close up of a green and white spring bouquet
February 28th 2024

Holding Your Cascade Bouquet

Tips for Holding Your Cascade Bouquet

Our cascade bouquet is designed to have a front that drapes down and is meant to be carried/held in a certain way to best capture its cascading effect.

Here are some do's and do not's for holding your cascade bouquet:


Hold it with the front facing forward and stems pointed at your belly button. We typically put the pins on the front of the bouquet as a reminder of which side is the front (so the pins should be facing away from you). The stems should be facing your belly button so that the bouquet cascades downward.


Hold it sideways. If the pins are to the side and the bouquet is sideways, it will photograph unevenly and won't have that cascade effect. It's also important to not let it hang by your side if you want the cascade to be featured in your photos.


Cradle your bouquet. Since our cascade bouquets are really like a bouquet and a half, they can get heavy! We recommend cradling your bouquet to give your arms a break. Hold it with both hands clasped around the stems as you walk down the aisle and then cradle for other moments throughout the day such as photos or cocktail hour.