wedding sweetheart table with flower arrangement and petals
July 27th 2023

Let's Talk Centerpieces

Determining Quantities

Determining the number of centerpieces you'll need can be tricky. Here is some info to help you get started.

1. Confirm with your venue or rental company the size of the tables you'll be using and how many chairs they seat. As a rule of thumb, standard 60" round tables seat 8 people, and rectangular 8' tables seat 8-10 people (4 on each side and 1 on each open end). Be sure to check out our blog post on long table designs if you want more inspo!

2. Make a conservative estimate on how many guests will attend. Start with the number of people you are inviting, reduce that number by 15-25% (keeping in mind factors like travel requirements and the school calendar).  

3. Head table or sweetheart? It is most common to choose a different decoration design for these tables from your standard guest tables. This will likely impact your overall guest table centerpiece count. If you chose to sit just the two of you, your guest count is good as estimated. If you’re seating your bridal party with you at a long head table, decide whether or not you’ll also include their plus ones. Further reduce your table center count by the number of people you’re seating with you at the head table.  

4. Pare things back a little more. Reduce the count by another 10-20% to avoid ordering more than you need. Start your order at the bare minimum. You should keep a note for yourself that your final balance may be higher than your deposit, but ultimately, this approach will prevent you from buying more than you need.

5. Once your RSVPs come in, add more centerpieces to your order. You have until 1 month before your wedding date to make additions and updates to your order.

Tip: If you want table garland for your long tables, keep in mind if someone will be seated at either end. We make garland in custom lengths based on your specific needs.

Deciding Which Style is Right for You

Below are examples of the centerpiece options we offer. Consider the theme & style of your event, is it more rustic or upscale? Minimal or lush? We are happy to discuss more in our consultation!

Medium Arrangements

Medium arrangements are available in glass, ceramic, or wood. They fit nicely in the middle of an 8' round table.

Elegant Footed Compotes

Our footed compotes are available in white ceramic (as rentals) or gold. We can also discuss metal or glass containers during our consultation. They fit nicely in the middle of an 8' round table.

Low-Round Centerpiece

Our low-round centerpieces are made in discrete trays and sit low on the table. Typically we design these in a round shape to fit onto round tables however we can also create them in an elongated shape for a rectangular table.

Elevated Arrangements

Our elevated arrangements sit atop gold stands and are great if you want a big statement piece on the tables without obstructing views for your guests or if you need more space on your tabletops.

Cluster of Blooms

Cluster of blooms and foliage are table top pieces that can be placed next to non-floral decor like a table number or candles. Choose one for a minimalist flourish, or three for a lush, full presentation on a round table or dot them down the length of a long, rectangular table. They pair well with petite arrangements and bud vases, too!

Garland & Foliage Wreaths

Garland can be a nice way to fill the length of a long, rectangular table. Foliage wreaths fit well on round tables with candles or other non-floral decor in the center. Both options can be upgraded to include floral.

6" Cylinders

Our six-inch cylinders are a great size to dot down a long table or on a round table. They are also perfect for other areas of your reception such as memorial table, guest book table, or dessert table. We can design these in glass or ceramic containers.

Flat Lay

If you are opting to have candles or other non-floral decor on your table then you may consider adding a greenery or baby's breath flat lay. These are less in volume than a wreath but still a great way to add some foliage to your centerpiece design.

Other Vessels

We offer bud vases, 4" vases, and other various vessels that can work as centerpieces. These can line a long table or be clustered together in the center of a round table.

Or choose a few long ceramic containers to line down a rectangle banquet table.

What's Next...

Check out our Fresh Look at Centerpieces blog post for a comparison in size & scale between arrangements. Planning to have long tables at your reception? Check out our Long Table Design blog for more ideas & inspo!